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Statement on Gov. Abbott's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Executive Order

Published Oct 12, 2021 by A.J. Mistretta

COVID vaccine


“Since COVID-19 vaccines became widely available, 该伙伴关系支持企业要求其员工接种COVID-19疫苗的权利.
企业有责任维护一个安全的工作环境, 许多人认为疫苗需求是安全恢复皇冠HGA010官方下载的重要一步,也是发展休斯顿经济的必要条件. 对于那些有宗教或健康问题的员工, companies have offered accommodations, as required by law.  许多公司还采用了频繁测试的替代方案. 
州长的行政命令不支持德州企业创造安全工作场所的能力和责任.  虽然法院可能会决定该命令的有效性, Hga010皇冠软件下载鼓励所有雇主继续向员工宣传接种疫苗的重要性. 
Vaccinations are our path out of the pandemic, 伙伴关系的重点仍然是支持提高Hga010皇冠软件下载社区疫苗接种率的步骤.”

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Houston Leads U.S. Metros When It Comes to Entertainment Spending

对于每个人来说,休斯顿充满了娱乐选择. Whether it’s grabbing a drink at a local bar, watching a live sporting event, 或者欣赏休斯顿交响乐团的本地表演, you will never be without something to do in this town. Because of this multitude of entertainment options, it may come as little surprise that Houston ranks No. 1 among U.S. metros in spending on entertainment. The study by the U.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)在以下领域对“娱乐”进行了衡量: 费用和入场费——从参加体育活动的费用到参加体育赛事的入场费, movies, concerts, and plays. 还包括健康和乡村俱乐部会员资格以及旅行娱乐费用. Television, radio and sound equipment  Pets, toys, hobbies and playground equipment  其他娱乐设备和服务-从运动设备和娱乐车辆到摄影设备和用品. While other categories like audiovisual equipment, pets, toys, 从2019年到2020年,爱好方面的支出持平或略有增长, 家庭在学费和入场费上的典型年度支出从880美元降至425美元. 在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间及其之前的2020年春季关闭期间, 全国在娱乐上的开支估计减少了5%.7%, driven by a 51.7% reduction in fees and admissions. As a whole, 娱乐行业的收入从2019年第四季度的610亿美元下降到2020年第二季度的230亿美元. Revenues eventually rebounded to roughly $49.5 billion in the second quarter of 2021. Despite the setback during the two-year period, 休斯顿逐渐恢复,年均娱乐支出达到6美元,040, outranking other U.S. metros by almost 2%.   As stated in the Partnership’s 2022 Employment Forecast, 在2019冠状病毒病限制和授权后重新开放的艺术和娱乐的全部好处尚未显现. The traditional drivers such as local population growth, income, leisure time, out-of-town visitors, corporate donations, fitness resolutions, 被压抑的消费需求将在2022年刺激休斯顿娱乐行业的持续增长.   了解在美国第四大城市生活和工作是什么感觉.
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Houston Saw Spike in New Business Applications in ’20

尽管在大流行的早期阶段出现了经济衰退, 休斯顿的企业家们看到了一个推出新产品的机会之窗.  LendingTree的一份报告将休斯顿都市区排名第一. 1 in new-business applications in Texas during 2020. With a 37.从2019年到2020年,新皇冠HGA010官方下载应用程序增长了4%, 休斯顿不仅排名超过奥斯汀和达拉斯,而且在全国100大城市中排名第20位. The Greater Houston area racked up 118,183 new-business applications in 2020, up from just 85,998 new-business applications in 2019, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. “这场大流行给这么多人造成了如此多的金融混乱, 这种不确定性肯定会促使许多美国人冒险一试,” said Matt Schulz, Chief Credit Analyst at LendingTree. “有些人因为收入或失业而不得不这样做. Some folks did it to feel more secure, 因为依赖一种收入来源的想法对很多人来说已经没有意义了. 其他人可能这么做是因为他们多年来一直想这么做,但一直觉得时机不对.” 然而,并不是每个提交申请的人都会继续创业, 这一增长表明,越来越多的休斯顿人希望在2020年开始一个.  Nationally, despite COVID-19 directives and stay-at-home restrictions, 零售业在主要行业中增长最快,达到59家.7%. “许多公司让网上销售变得如此容易,以至于人们对冒险一试感到很高兴,” Schulz explained. “Setting up an online store is generally simpler, quicker and less expensive than ever, 因此,曾经让潜在创业者不敢开新店的进入壁垒已经不像以前那样是障碍了.” Two other sectors did not fare as well. 采矿和房地产是2019年至2020年期间唯一一个新申请数量下降的行业. 这两个行业都难以适应大流行带来的限制.  Though metro data isn’t yet available for 2021, 人口普查局表示,去年全国范围内的商业申请继续攀升, up by 600,000 compared with 2020 totals. The Bureau also forecasts a 0.企业形成增加3%,到2022年约有3万家新企业.    View the full list below:   了解更多关于休斯顿经济的信息,以及是什么使该地区成为一个伟大的商业场所. 
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